Landry wholesaled a property in 3 days using MyHouseDeals

Premium Elite member Landry explains how he found a great deal on MyHouseDeals and 3 days later used the site to wholesale it to another investor, netting him an $8K assignment fee! We called Landry to discuss his strategy for this deal… Head over to our success stories page to hear his answer, plus… How Landry…

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John Dudley: “Real Estate is the Greatest Wealth Creator!”

Premium Elite member John just completed a deal using his MyHouseDeals membership. Now he explains why real estate is the way to go if you want to accumulate wealth… Head over to our success stories page to hear his answer, plus… How John utilizes both hard money and private money to fund his deals. Why John adopts…

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Are these people holding you back?

As much as you might like to think so, you are NOT a one-man show. There’s a whole slew of players who are absolutely critical to your investing success. Combined, they form your team. And if there’s one thing I know for sure, it’s that YOU ARE ONLY AS GOOD AS YOUR TEAM. But it’s…

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New Hard Money Lender Guides Uploaded for 2013!

We’re pleased to announce that we’ve uploaded brand new and completely updated hard money lender guides to the website! You can find them at… There’s one guide for each market area that we serve, and there are anywhere from six to thirteen lenders in each guide. You’ll find their lending requirements, rates, fees, and…

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Erick just finished his first deal using!

Premium Elite member Erick Harbert just grabbed his first deal using and made $35K! Head over to our success stories page to learn: How Erick was able to find quality deals when other avenues were producing ZERO results. How Erick was able to get his purchase price down $5,000.00 below the initial listed price….

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100% chance of Rain

I have a great video to share where a freind of mine, Drew “The Rainmaker” Downs, shows you how he makes it rain in his business every single week while barely lifting a finger. Go Here Now to See How Drew Makes it Rain Have you ever noticed banks pay very little on their savings accounts, but yet…

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New Hard Money Lender Guides Uploaded!

Hello again fellow investor! We’re pleased to announce that we’ve uploaded brand new and completely updated hard money lender guides to the website! You can find them at… There’s one guide for each market area that we serve, and there are anywhere from six to thirteen lenders in each guide. You’ll find their lending requirements,…

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