485,434 Investor-Perfect Deals Located for Our Investors.
Most of the properties on our website are single-family houses. Many of these properties are wholesale deals, which are for sale by other investors. Others are motivated seller leads, which are for sale by homeowners who are often in a bad situation or investor-ready foreclosures, which are for sale by banks.

$42,315,514,448 in Profit Potential.
That's a lot of zeroes to keep track of! Because we focus on investor-perfect properties, most houses for sale on MyHouseDeals offer built-in equity, giving our investors room to buy and resell for a profit.

379,745 Properties Sold.
Through up and down markets, we have helped sellers and buyers find each other and connect for win-win deals. Best of all, MyHouseDeals does not take a cut of the deal—sellers and buyers negotiate and do business directly with each other.

585,841+ Happy Investors.
We are so proud to be part of your journey! MyHouseDeals has been the hub for hundreds of thousands of investors looking to get started in the business or take their investing to the next level.

50 States.
We have active members and properties for sale all over the country, in all 50 states. With new deals added and new members joining daily. At MyHouseDeals, every day is a great day to grow your investing!