Thank You Mr. Smith!
Thank You Mr. Smith! … That’s what the kiddos at Wilson Elementary School said a couple weeks ago when I finished up another semester of teaching a business/economics class.
Feels great to give back and have the kids really appreciate it. You should join me and the other 350,000+ people who volunteer at schools through Junior Achievement.
Believe me when I say that these kids need our help. Schools have classes on just about every subject out there, except for what I believe is the most important … BUSINESS. After all, the “business/capitalism engine” drives this country forward and funds just about everything we do.
So do your part to ensure that tomorrow’s kids are equipped to take the driver’s seat! Get started as a volunteer at
In the meantime, here are some pics!…

Well, that’s all for now. Hope you enjoyed the posting. Until next time, happy (and profitable) investing!
Doug Smith
Real Estate Investor
Founder of