MyHouseDeals Blog

The True Test of a Man: His Internal Compass

Hello again fellow investor!

Hope you’re doing well. Things are as busy as ever here at the headquarters. So busy, in fact, that we have been looking for an excuse, ANY excuse, to get out of the office and take a break. So that’s just what we did.

Yesterday, I was trying to give directions to our business manager, Alex, and I kept saying things like “go north on 11th Street”, “then go west on Colquitt” and so-on. And he said, “Whoa there! North, west, what? Just tell me left or right!”

And a lively discussion ensued amongst the entire staff. We were all telling each other how we like to give and receive directions. Almost all of them said “just tell me left or right because nobody, including Doug, is that good with cardinal directions”.

And I said, “Excuse me! I am not only good with cardinal directions, I’m the master!” And just as I said that, I regretted it. I feared they would put that claim to the test. And sure enough, that’s exactly what they did!

Within 5 minutes, they had me blindfolded and sitting in the back seat of a car, headed to an unknown location. And they said, “when you get out of the car, remove your blindfold, and point north. If you can do this, then you truly are the master!”

As we drove, I tried to continue displaying a confident demeanor, but inside, I was shaking in my boots! I thought, “Maybe I’m not the master. Maybe I got a little overly sure of myself. Maybe they’ll expose me for my true self … someone who is only so-so at determining which way is north.”

So how does the story end? View the pics below and read the captions to find out! 


Before getting into car, I put the bandanna around my forehead in an attempt to look tough, confident, and focused. Instead, I look more like a wanna-be gangster.


I ride in the back seat as Liz drives in circles in a vain attempt to confuse my internal compass.


Alex guides me out of the car and onto the sidewalk. I pretend to be confused.


In an instant, I remove my bandanna, spin 180 degrees…


And correctly point NORTH!


The crowd goes wild!


Ok, so they didn’t go that wild. They were closer to silent as they whispered to each other that I somehow cheated. Cheated? No. Lucky? Ok, maybe!


Well, it’s back to work for us. Too much goofing off! Hope you enjoyed the posting. And until next time, happy (and profitable) investing!

Doug Smith
Real Estate Investor and Founder of

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